
question on reports


Dear Personio Community, 

In Persnio, in the reports / applications part, we can see the reports of all applications our company has received. Here I have a question: In the list, we have ohne Kategorie (without category). What does this section relate to?

When we receive emails in Zuzuweisende Nachrichten , we assign emails to our different oepn positions manually. So I can not figure out what  this ohne Kategorie part refers to?

Thank you in advance.


Beste Antwort von Support Apps 5 March 2024, 10:35

Zum Originalpost

3 Antworten

Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +19

Hey @HRFan 

Kategorie refers to the specific job details of a job advertisement. When you create a new job, you determine which category it belongs to, e.g. place of work, department, etc.




Hello Navigator, 

thank you for the reply. The other question is why is this Kategorie part optional and what is the use of it? I guess this is a new attribute and it wasn’t there before, isn’t it?

in what sense is it important to fill this part out?

Many thanks. 😉

Benutzerebene 5
Abzeichen +13

Hello @HRFan 😊

With the category you can not only organize your job list and map different application processes within Personio, you can also set up automated confirmation emails under Settings > Recruiting > Category.

Best 🌻


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