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Best Practices for Polish Employees


Hi, we have 2 locations: one in Siwtzerland and one in Poland. The Polish law is quite complicated, then it comes to the calculation of holidays (holidays on Saturdays must be compensated) and vacation. 

Is there anyone in this community that has already mastered successfully setting up Personio for Poland (employment contracts and B2B contracts)?


Best -Nicolas

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4 Antworten

Ehem. Community Moderator*in
  • Ehem. Community Moderator*in
  • 3819 Kommentare
  • 11. August 2021

Hi @nicolas.jene ,

thanks for both your questions. Regarding the first one I do have a suggestion, for the second one I need more information please. Or maybe someone else in the community can help. :)

Absences in Poland
It is possible to change the validity settings of an absence type to Work Schedule on Mon-Sat.


With this setting and a work schedule with 6 open days, the weekly hours evenly distributed, it is possible to deduct 6 days for one week of leave.


The attendances can look like this:

  • Week from the 2nd - 8th Leave
  • 9th - 14th an example if the employees need to work Mon-Sat, they enter their time on a daily basis.
  • 16th - 21st is an example if the employees are working only Mon-Fri, but do need to take leave for the Saturday. With this module, please consider to track overtime on a daily basis and track deficit hours in the working schedule

The amount of holidays you can define in the accrual policy. If you are activating the automatic calculation based on the working schedule, please consider that the reference value needs to be set to 6. As it displays a full-time employee's standard number of working days per week and calculates on this basis, depending on how many days in a work schedule are working days. Here it is explained in detail.


Employee Documents

We have material in our help center, which supports when creating contract templates, I have linked some which might be helpful here:

Please let me know if you have a specific challenge with the documents, I might be able to help. :) 


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  • 16. August 2021

Hi @Lena

Thanks for your answer. Let me be more precise. I think your idea is not working for us.

In Poland, each year, we have to go through the holiday schedule and we need to check if a holiday happens on a Saturday (eg. 25th of December or 1st of May etc.). If this is the case, we need automatically to grant one full day of compensation for this Saturday. Our personnel is not working on Saturdays. 

So this is the current schedule for 2021:

We do need to compensate Święto Pracy and Boże Narodzenie. We did it with a copied Poland Holiday Schedule:

(Christmas Eve is a special holiday we are offering our employees for free). So we are setting a day of compensation, that can be taken by all employees. 

I think this is a possible way of doing it.

The second questions is about the fact that holidays are counted for the whole year, even if you are changing your employer. One example: You get 20 days of vacation and you are working 6 months at company A and 6 months in company B. If the employee starts in company B, company B must calculated the available days of vacation. So if the employee already took 15 days working for company A, only 5 days are left in company B, even he is working still half a year. As you see: we do need do manually adjust the amount of vacation days for each employee. 

So this is why I have asked for some Best Practices or how other customers of Personio are doing it for their statt at Poland …

Best -Nicolas


Ehem. Community Moderator*in
  • Ehem. Community Moderator*in
  • 3819 Kommentare
  • 17. August 2021

Hi @nicolas.jene , 

thanks for getting back to me with this example, now I understand that it is about the public holidays on Saturdays. 

Your solution is great, if you would like to have the compensation day on a specific date. In your example you chose 2 Fridays to compensate the 2 Holidays which fell on a Saturday.

In case the employees should be able to choose the 2 additional holidays freely, as vacation, I have two suggestions:

  1. You can create a new absence type, “public holiday compensation”, with a 0 days accrual policy. You assign the 0 days accrual policy to all employees so that you can do a balance adjustment via import. And import the 2 days for every employee. 
    Please don’t forget to give the employee roles access to the new absence type and configure an approval process.
  2. As you know the amount of compensation days early on, you could also create an accrual policy with, in this example, 2 more days than the existing accrual policy. You can assign the accrual policy  to the next accrual period in 2022, therefore you can plan this in advance. In case you would like to assign it differently you can also choose the last accrual policy, so it is automatically updating for 2021, too. It is possible to bulk assign accrual policies, which makes it much easier for you.

I hope this helps you to make a decision. Your idea already is good for a fixed day. :)
Please let me know in case you have further questions on this topic.

FYI: We are now in the DACH Personio Community, where the standard language is German.
If you have more questions in English, I recommend you to visit our International Personio Community and create an account over there. Other Personio users in Poland will also be using the International Personio Community instead of this one.

Best Regards,

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  • 23. August 2021

Hallo Lena

Deutsch funktioniert auch. Da es sich um Polen gehandelt hat, dachte ich mir, ev. würden mehr Leute auf Englisch reagieren. 

Die Idee mit dem neuen Absenzen-Typ finde ich gut. Ich werde das mal intern bei uns diskutieren, wie wir es machen wollen. So im Durschschnitt sind es meist 2 Tage, die kompensiert werden müssen.

Vielleicht noch zu meiner zweiten Frage: Wenn ein neuer Mitarbeitender in Polen anfängt, dann müssen wir die Ferien erst berechnen, da die über das gesamte Jahr fix sind (egal ob der Mitarbeiter seinen Arbeitsplatz gewechselt hat). Dumm ist, dass wenn wir normalerweise einen Mitarbeitenden erfassen ab einem gewissen Datum und ihn ein Ferienkontigent zuweisen, dieses dann “pro rata” berechnet wird. Wir benötigen aber einen Ausgangssaldo. Das heisst, bei jedem neuen Mitarbeitenden müssen wir eine andere Ferienzahl aufgrund seiner

  1. Ausbildung
  2. Schon bezogenen Ferien beim alten Arbeitgeber

definieren … geht das relativ einfach oder müssen wir hier etwas Spezielles beachten? Das Dumme ist halt wirklich, dass wir die Ferien nicht einfach so standardisieren können.

Grüsse -Nicolas

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