
Default Language in the Iframe

I have a Problem when integrating the Iframe on our career Page. We hide the language selector through CSS, since we do not like the look and the rest of the page is currently english only anyways…

My Problem is, that the default Language of the Iframe is german. Can I change it to be english?

I could not find a solution in the settings or documentation. Can anyone help?


Beste Antwort von Lena 18 March 2022, 14:54

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Hi @RichardRolfs,

thank you for your question. 

Have you already deleted the translations into German under Settings > Recruiting > Career page > Translations and in all job descriptions? Generally, open positions are only displayed in the languages in which you have stored the job description.

But if you want to change the default, you have to change it in the integration of the iframe through the language parameters in the link.

Standard English: <iframe id=“personio-iframe” style=“border: none;” src=“” width=“100%“></iframe>

Best regards,



thank You! The link finally worked.

I did not want to delete the other languages, since eventually we want to internationalize the iframe…



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Liebe Community, 

im Zuge unseres Frühjahrsputzes ist dieser Post aufgefallen. 

Für alle Mitleser*innen, hierzu gibt es ein Update. Es ist nun möglich die Default Sprache pro Position auszuwählen. :) 

Weitere Infos zu den Optionen findet ihr hier.

Liebe Grüße,

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